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How Inventory reports benefit both landlords and tenants

Property changes within the cycle of the tenancy, and no matter how well the tenants look after their residence, it will not be in the same condition as it was at the beginning.

There are two categories of damages to the property, those that count as fair wear and tear to fixtures and fittings and those which have been caused by tenants’ carelessness, negligence, misuse or have been caused deliberately.

In order to create a clear distinction between these two and have a transparent process of refunding the deposit following the end of the tenancy, it is important to have an initial, comprehensive inventory report conducted.

At Property Inventories, our inventory report service comprises of:

· A detailed recording of the overall condition of the property at the start of the tenancy.

· A detailed record of condition of all the fixtures and fittings, contents and decoration.

· Our Inventory and Meter Readings or Inventory and Check-in packages offer recordings of relevant meter readings, taken immediately before the tenancy starts.

· An outline floorplan of the property.

· Overview photos of each room as well as conditional photos for items that appear damaged or valuable.

· Descriptive and conditional comments for each room

· Certain packages include meeting the tenants and checking them in to the property / handing over the keys.

· Obtaining tenants’ agreement to the record of condition.

At the end of the tenancy, we are usually instructed to conduct a Check-out report, which is a point by point examination of conditional differences from the Inventory & Check-in report, coupled with photos showing the changes.

It benefits both landlords and tenants for the inventory to be executed well. In case of a deposit dispute, the involved parties, the adjudicator or a Court need to be able to clearly compare the condition of the property from the start to the end of the tenancy. Inventory and check-out reports conducted by us are detailed and comprehensive, thus creating a clear distinction between the condition of the property at the start and at the end of the tenancy helping to identify who should be responsible for the damages.

You can find further information on the services we offer here.


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